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Community Programs

The Child Writes Program is available in-school, at home and in the community. Writers groups and community organisations can, with the co-ordination of a trained Child Writes tutor, offer the course for children - or even aspiring adult writers and illustrators – within the community.

The program covers the process of writing and illustrating a children’s picture book, from the initial idea generation to the book launch, and runs over 12 or 24 sessions, usually encompassing at least two or three terms, and covering the following subjects:

Imagine it › Write it › Evaluate it › Edit it › Proofread it › Appraise it › Plan it › See it (storyboard) › Feel it (dummy rough › Draw it › Illustrate it › Finish it!

If you are a student and would like to participate in the Child Writes program,
please let your parents know.

Parents, if you would like your child to participate in a Child Writes program,
you have a number of options to consider:

Ask a school or relevant community organisation if they would be interested in co-ordinating a Child Writes program.

Find someone who is willing to become a Child Writes tutor and run a community-based Child Writes program.

Become a Child Writes tutor and run a community-based Child Writes program yourself.

Enrol your child in the Child Writes Correspondence Course.

This is available to all primary school aged children across Australia.

You don’t have to be an adult to
become a published author!

Would you believe it if we told you that...

  • Children can write and illustrate their own children's picture books... and many of these books rival those created by adults!

  • In hospital wards, libraries and homes right now, children are inspiring other children by showing them that anything is possible with a dream and some hard work.

  • Children are producing works of a commercially publishable standard which are generating profits, both for themselves and to support children who are in crisis.

It sounds impossible, but it's true! Every year, more and more children are becoming published authors and illustrators through their participation in the Child Writes program. This stunning project gives primary school aged children a voice by teaching them how to write and illustrate their own children’s picture books. Whether the program is run in-school, in-home or within the community, children go through the stages of writing, editing, proofreading, planning and illustrating, culminating in a finished picture book. These books are published by boutique publisher Boogie Books, complete with ISBNs, a publishing contract and an official book launch!

Copies are donated to places (such as hospitals) where children are in crisis... an empowering process for both the child authors and the children who are encouraged by the achievement and generosity of their peers. Every book is also made available for purchase online in electronic form, which means that children can actually receive royalties from the sales of their books! Child Writes is continually developing marketing and commercial opportunities to further increase the rewards for child authors and illustrators, as well as making sure their voice is heard as far and wide as possible. Child Writes published titles are currently part of the ipad inflight entertainment for Jetstar!


“…the sheer feeling of success of writing, illustrating and publishing a children’s book of your own, words cannot describe the feeling. So for anyone out there wanting to publish a book of their own, I encourage you, although it has its up and downs, the feelings are unexplainable.”
Ashlee, age 12, author & illustrator, 'I Want a Friend'


Becoming a published author and illustrator, who is receiving royalties from their book, is actually a very simple process. However, it does require dedication and hard work. For children who are willing to apply the effort, here is what the path to publication and earnings looks like:

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