
Emma Mactaggart
As the founder of Child Writes, Emma Mactaggart has been in the classroom since Child Writes started in 2005! Emma originally delivered a workshop as a means of sharing her love of literature with students at her local school… but the children’s passion was evident, a workshop wasn’t enough, and the program evolved from there.
Emma is now a self published children’s picture book author and illustrator, and has published hundreds of titles written and illustrated by Child Writes participants. She is also the author of Child Writes: Creating a Children’s Picture Book is Child’s Play.
No matter how many times she teaches the program, Emma is constantly fascinated by the responsiveness and creativity of children, their ability to dig deeply and find within themselves the stamina and strength to complete something which eludes many adults. She finds her involvement with the students incredibly rewarding and is thrilled to be doing what she loves!
Emma is available for Child Writes workshops and for speaking engagements in the South East Queensland area.
She makes her home in Toowoomba, where she is married to David. Emma is also the mother of three daughters, two of whom are now published authors and illustrators, too!

Jodie Rigby
Jodie first discovered the program at the bookstore launch of Emma’s book, Child Writes: Creating a Children’s Picture Book is Child’s Play. She was immediately inspired and quickly become our first accredited Child Writes tutor.
Jodie brings a wealth of experience and skills to Child Writes, from both the nursing and primary education fields. She holds a Bachelor of Visual Arts and has been involved in the development and production of two collaborative Artist Picture Books. Jodie is passionate about children’s literature and reads to her young children every day. She loves to express herself visually and finds it rewarding to pass on techniques and encouragement to others who are illustrating their worlds.
Jodie makes her home in Toowoomba with her husband, Spencer, and three daughters. She is available to tutor the Child Writes program and deliver workshops within Toowoomba and the surrounding regions.

Terese Eglington
I have always been involved in teaching children in some form. My teaching career began in Newcastle, was put on hold while raising a family. I taught dance as a hobby for 15 years and re-established myself as a teacher for Education Queensland.
I have combined my passion for art, writing and working with children in my new venture as a children’s book author, illustrator and publisher. My first book, Wot-si-u and the Whispering Wattles, was published in 2014 and the artwork is on display at the Cobb& Co Museum, Toowoomba. My second book is due to be launched this year.
Several of my poems have been published in magazines and anthologies through the Fellowship of Australian Writers Queensland.
I love sharing my creativity with others and especially enjoy encouraging children to create using their wonderful imaginations.