The Child Writes Fund Pty Ltd
We’ve done it! The Child Writes Fund is now established, has the ability to offer a tax deduction for donations, is a registered charity, AND has a fabulous and dynamic Board of Directors.
It is much much MUCH broader in its scope than just the Child Writes program so duck over to www.thelighthousetoowoomba.org to actually see how we are promoting arts and culture in our region.
The company’s objective is to pursue the following charitable purpose:
(a) To promote literature and the visual arts as the eloquent link to creative storytelling, to incorporate the arts of Indigenous persons and the
cultural heritage belonging to the rich tapestry of communities within the
Toowoomba region. These undertakings are aligned with community
cultural activities (such as art exhibitions, music concerts, festivals) and
creative workshops;
(b) To specifically promote children’s literature and the visual arts by
engaging children as creators of storytelling in purposeful programs such
as “Child Writes – Create a Children’s Picture Book” program, with the
distribution of books in print and digital editions to locations where
children are in crisis.
The Child Writes Fund:
Promotes literature and the visual arts as the eloquent link between creative storytelling, to incorporate the arts of Indigenous persons and the cultural heritage belonging to the rich tapestry of communities within the Toowoomba region. These activities are aligned with community cultural activies such as art exhibitions, music concerts, festivals and creative workshops that take place in our GLAM space at The Lighthouse Toowoomba, which incorporates The Write Gallery and the One-Way Library.
Specifically promotes children's literature and visual art by engaging children as creators of storytelling in purposeful program such as the 'Child Writes - Create a Children's Picture Book' Program, with the distribution of books, in print and digital, to locations where children are in crisis.
Supports International Read to Me Day events in Australia.
And in the past has provided financial sponsorship for disadvantaged children and / or teachers in areas supporting disadvantaged children, who may otherwise not have the opportunity to be empowered by the Child Writes program.
Distributed the Child Writes Library (370 plus titles) as mini-libraries to locations wherever children are in crisis or need. This could include places such as the National Centre for Australian Children's Literature and Library for All, oncology and hospital wards, Ronald McDonald House, doctor’s surgeries, Relationships Australia, in donation boxes at Christmas time via The Smith Family or St Vincent de Paul, and in all Pyjama Foundation libraries, accessible to children in foster care, promoting children's literature created by children.
Create opportunities for promoting children's literature post book-launch, so to continue sharing their voices in traditional (bricks and mortar stores) and nontraditional distribution channels (eg: Jetstar Inflight Entertainment / Amazon eBooks / Stuck on You.)
Role and responsibilities of the Board:
To act with reasonable care and diligence.
To act in good faith in the best interests of the charity and for a proper purpose.
To ensure that financial affairs are managed responsibly.
To not allow the charity to operate while insolvent.​
We can do this. Together. This is why your donor dollar makes a difference.

The Child Writes Fund Board of Directors

Samantha Macansh
Samantha Macansh has recently retired from her position as the Chief Financial Officer of Good360 Australia and Chair of The Child Writes Fund. Samantha has a Graduate Diploma in Corporate Governance and a Masters in Business from Monash University. She is a Fellow of Certified Practicing Accountants (CPA) and a member of the Governance Institute of Australia.

Dr Tarn McLean
Dr Tarn McLean is an artist and designer holding a Doctor of Philosophy in Visual Art from the University of Southern Queensland. Tarn is the designer and founder of Australian fabric and wallpaper house Ocre Designs and her art is shown nationally and internationally in both solo and group shows. Tarn is also an advocate for creative education and having just retired from lecturing Painting and Drawing at the University of Southern Queensland, now is fully focused on her product brand and house of design 'Ocre'.

Natasha Raine
Tash is a passionate literacy advocate who actively engages in the reading strategies and recommendations with all of her five children. Tash is also actively involved in both fundraising and representative committee’s in her children’s schools. She studied Occupational Therapy at Cummberland College.

Marie Muldoon
Marie started her working career in hospitality before opening her Singapore-based event management business. After 6 years in South East Asia, Marie returned to Australia and worked for Paspaley Pearls in Darwin. She married Chris in 2005 and moved to their property in the Douglas Daly region of the Northern Territory. They now live near Deniliquin in the Southern Riverina region of New South Wales, with their three children, where they grow wheat and canola, run cattle and sheep, and operate their bulk haulage business and still find time to read heaps of books!

​The Reward
How do we know promoting children's literature, creating opportunities to engage children in creative workshops, bringing music and art to their lives works? We have been doing this for nearly twenty years and see the difference it makes to their self-efficacy. Now, with the growing volume workshops at The Lighthouse Toowoomba meaning we are working with more and more children, we are working UniSQ to generate meaningful data for others so utilise, as we track the shift in their self assessment of their efficacy before and after workshops.
There is far more to this dream than simply donating books to entertain children. What do we really want to give these children something above the experience sickness, disadvantage, pain and despair. By sharing these programs, we bring them one of the most important things that any child can have. Empowerment.
Empowerment exists in the hope that impossible dreams can come true. It comes in the belief that they can accomplish things they have never even dreamed of before… that they can rise above their circumstances. Empowerment brings the joy and understanding that there is good in their world. Each book, each experience opens the door to a land of adventure, and laughter, which helps them to see beyond their crisis, to the expectation that there is something better in store. Sometimes all a child needs is a respite from the crisis or lack, to allow hope to rise.
Hope that is allowed to flourish, becomes empowerment. And that is what Child Writes and the Child Writes Fund is all about. Empowering children to overcome, achieve and enjoy. Empowerment that will change lives now and into the future.
Could there be a better reward?
Empowerment is not just for the children who are in crisis. The child authors and illustrators are also unquestionably impacted by the knowledge that they are making a difference in the lives of their . The Child Writes Fund will provide an even more focused purpose for these children. To think that their lives can positively affect another’s is an incredible source of empowerment, which causes children to look beyond themselves, to the needs of others. It really is a win/win!
The tattered and missing titles in existing Child Writes libraries gifted to hospitals, is evidence these books are well loved and eagerly desired. They really are making a difference.​