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Writer's picture: Emma MactaggartEmma Mactaggart

Today I was feeling a tad overwhelmed. Despite being a publisher for ten years, my first love is writing, and this means I am easily distracted. It is the process of creation I enjoy, rather than the necessity of maintenance!

The antidote to this antipathy: I wrote a list. (If you were curious, even if only for a second, as to what happens in a publisher’s day – well, here it is, on a platter.)

Emma Mactaggart / General Business

Email – yes, okay to use quote of mine for a book.Rework PDF file to a word document to use in an autocue for an online workshop.Newsletter for Child Writes – writing story / curating images. Let web guy know newsletter ready for final construction and release.Banking cheques! Doesn’t happen often!Ring computer guy – can’t find files nor dropbox nor get printer working L


Process overnight orders for books.Queensland Writers Centre initative – Books from Our Backyard – need to register all QLD writers published in 2015 by Boogie Books.Liaise with the Freight Forwarder / Customs – two titles (Four Hot Chips / Mitten the Kitten) have landed in the country and are being unpacked at wharf in Brisbane! Print orders for those two titles in anticipation of postage / handling on the weekend.Book television interview with Ch7 re: Four Hot ChipsContact: local radio / newspaper re: Four Hot ChipsRebuilding titles for Stuck on You to generate Colouring In Books (cute!) – involves contacting author from 2006, rescanning images!Amazon Sales report to bookkeeperPutting stickers (Gold Moonbeam / Gold IPPY) on box of Imagine Need to share Gold Moonbeam win with Queensland Writes Centre and Northern Rivers Writers Centre for Member’s News.Dash to Post Office – illustrations for reimagined version of Lily Fabourama, Glamourama ready to be picked up!Remember to pick up box of envelopes from Post Office (but only after I had driven home – had to go back again!)Promotional Poster for 2014 CW Competition Winners for their own book sales signing days at independent bookstores.

Child Writes Program

Long list winners for the 2015 Child Writes Competition – generate certificates / send with prize.All entrants – participation certificate for 2015 Child Writes CompetitionThank You emails for participants in 2015 St Anthony’s book launch.Certificate to Peter Rookas for 10 years support of Child WritesLegal Deposit – 2015 CW authors books to National Library of Australia and Queensland State Library.Invoices generated for extra book orders from Child Writes 2015 authors


First round edit for author from Eisdvold (Child Writes 2011) with her second story!

Suffice it to say, I was a blithering mess by the end of it all, though deeply satisfied, as each of those notes above had a lovely TICK beside them. Not every day is as productive, yet everyday involves a huge range of tasks and challenges.

Now, where is my notebook, I just thought of an idea for a story…



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